I really enjoyed reading both of my kids blogs! It is really amazing that we can communicate with other kids across the country and see what they are learning.
My first student was Adam. His blog posts were very creative and funny. I loved reading his posts because they were always interesting. One was about how he got to miss school for a county fair, and he even had an educational paragraph on using proper vocabulary words in sentences. He is really interested in video games just like any other elementary school boy.
Connor was my second student. His blog post that I read was very informative and was part of the international blogging contest that is held twice a year. He used links in his posts as well as pictures to make it more engaging. I really enjoyed reading his post.
I love this assignment because you can interact with the kids and see what they have to say about many different topics. They are able to express themselves through their blogs and their writings.
I am so glad that you like the C4K assignments. I know from the comments of the teachers that they find your comments useful and the kids love getting them. Writing for a real audience is important!