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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Progress on final project

I am going to be working with Courtney Holifield, Bethany Fillingim, and Kacie Manuel on our final project. We have been discussing and brainstorming numerous ideas such as using the smartboard and integrating two subjects. As of now, we have not quite discovered which two, but plan to do so by meeting this week in the lab.

Blog Post #12

Watch the video above: Top 10 Reasons to Use Technology in Education: iPad, Tablet, Computer, Listening Centers. Many people still do not understand why technology should be used in the classroom. After watching this video write a blog post that helps to explain why the use of technology in schools is a good idea, as if you are trying to persuade those who don't agree to change their minds. Explain how technology in the classroom has benefits for the schools AND its students. Also, explain how you would one day incorporate technology into your classroom.

The video Top Ten Reason to Use Technology in Education shows many good reasons for why technology should be used in the classroom. It helps students who are ADD to focus more in the classroom. It also lets the teachers lecture outside of the classroom, which is a great opportunity for students to get more inside class attention. Buying an iPad or other form of computer might seem like a lot of money at first, but it saves money in the long run. There will be no need to buy books, pencils, paper, or other school supplies. This saves the students and the schools a lot of money. Students who use technology will be more prepared for the future outside of school.
When I have a classroom one day, I hope to incorporate technology into is as much as I can. I want to use blogs, iPads, and smartboards. After watching last weeks video for blog post 11 I would also like to use the Nintendo DS to play educational games as well.

Mrs. Yollis class blog

Mrs. Yollis class blog is very organized and it is very easy to find what you are looking for. The tabs are clearly labeled and the blog archive helps you search blog posts by month. It is much like the EDM310 class blog. The page is always updated with new information on what the class is doing or if there is a special event.
Mrs. Yollis class has had over 214,000 total visitors. She allows her students parents to comment on the blog which is a great idea because parents can feel more connected and see what their kids are learning.
I think that more classrooms should use a class blog. It is a great learning experience for the students and it is much more fun and interactive. I can not wait to use this in my classroom one day!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Blog Post #11

Mrs. Cassidys video Little Kids...Big Potential showed how her students used technology in their classroom. And her Skype interview was interesting as well. I love how she uses all different types of technology from computers to the students Nintendo DS. I have 46 elementary students in my day care class, and most of them own a DS. I never thought that they could be used for educational purposes, but now I know that I can use them one day in my classroom. I would also like to use blogging with my students. Mrs. Cassidy stated in her Skype interview that she likes to use the kids first names only to protect their identity, which is very important for the children. I like everything that Mrs.Cassidy does with her students and I hope that one day when I get my own classroom I can incorporate technology into it as well as she did. I want to make learning fun for my students and I want them to enjoy every minute of their time with me as their teacher, while learning to the best of their ability.
apple and DS

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

C4K Summary Post 2

Lee was my first student. He is in Mrs. Gregory's 6th period class. His post was about what a firework is made of. He had great illustrations to go with his assignment and it was very informative.
Tabbey was my next student who is also in Mrs. Gregory's class. Her post was about Columbus Day and how it should actually be called Natives Day since the Native American lived there first.
In Mrs. Garden's 6th grade class, Gabriel made a video presentations bout Fiji and Canada. He provided many facts about the two countries.
My favorite post by far was by Elizabeth in Mrs. C's 8th grade class. He post was called "Why I Write". It was my favorite because I can relate to what she was saying. I write to express myself and my feelings, which is great to hear from someone so young. This is why the C4K assignments are my favorite.